Income Protection Insurance

Safeguarding your financial stability during unexpected life events.

What is Income Protection Insurance​?

Income protection insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial security to individuals in the event they are unable to work due to illness, injury, or disability.

It is designed to replace a portion of the insured person’s income, ensuring they have a steady stream of money to cover their living expenses when they are unable to earn a salary.

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Here's how Income Protection Insurance works...


An individual purchases an income protection insurance policy and pays regular premiums to the insurance company.

Illness or Disability

If the policyholder becomes ill or disabled and is unable to work, they can make a claim on the policy. The specific conditions under which a claim can be made are outlined in the policy.

Income Replacement

Upon a successful claim, the insurance company provides the policyholder with a monthly income replacement benefit. This benefit is typically a percentage of the individual's regular income, designed to help cover living expenses.

Benefit Period

Income protection policies specify a benefit period during which the insured individual will receive payouts. This period can vary but usually lasts until the policyholder is able to return to work or reaches retirement age.

Shaking Hands

Protecting your income when the unexpected happens

Income protection insurance is particularly valuable for individuals who rely on their income to support themselves and their families.

It offers financial security during periods of incapacity when they are unable to earn a salary.

The terms and conditions of income protection policies can vary, so it’s essential to review the policy carefully to understand the extent of coverage and any waiting periods before benefits are paid.

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