What Documents Do First-Time Buyers Need for a Mortgage?

What Documents Do First Time Buyers Need for a Mortgage?
New Year, New Home: How Your Resolutions Can Shape Your Mortgage Journey

How Your Resolutions Can Shape Your Mortgage Journey – The start of a new year often brings with it a flurry of resolutions – promises to get fit, save money, or chase those lifelong dreams. However, amidst the familiar pledges, many overlook one potentially life-altering resolution: homeownership. As you embark on this exciting journey, integrating […]
How to save money to buy a house

Reach your homeownership goal faster with the GoMortgage top tips on saving for that all-important house deposit. Saving for a House Deposit: Easier Than You Think Okay, saving for a house might sound tough, especially when everything feels so expensive, right? But don’t sweat it! There are heaps of ways you can snag that dream […]
The Crucial Role of a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney: Safeguarding Your Future

Introduction: The Crucial Role of a Will and Lasting Power of Attorney – Planning for the future involves more than just financial strategies; it ensures that your wishes are honoured and your affairs are managed should unforeseen circumstances arise. Two fundamental legal documents play pivotal roles in this regard: a will and a lasting power […]
Spreading Cheer and Support: GoMortgage Lights up Christmas with a Heartfelt Fundraiser

The GoMortgage Team at the Marsh Mill Village, Thornton 2023 Christmas Light Switch on and Fundraiser event.
Understanding Your Credit File: A Complete Guide to Improving Your Credit Score.

Introduction Your credit file is more than just a number—it’s a detailed record of your financial behaviour that plays a crucial role in securing loans, mortgages, and even certain jobs. Understanding your credit file and learning how to improve your credit score can make a world of difference, opening up better financial opportunities. In this […]
Navigating the House Viewing Process: A Guide for UK Homebuyers

Embarking on the journey of buying a house in the UK is both thrilling and significant, but where do you start? Read on to find out!